Whew! Home at last! It is great getting to see all of our families, but it is nice to get back to your own bed eventually. 🙂 Tyler did ok during the first part of the trip home, but towards the end he was getting extremely tired of being strapped in the car seat, and sure let us know it. When we were about an hour and a half away from home, he was becoming inconsolable, even after a rest stop. So I managed to wedge my butt into the back between his car seat and all the other crap we had packed into the car, and entertained him the rest of the way home. It must have been a sight to see, because this manuever was performed while driving down the highway, not at the aforementioned rest stop, which would have made way too much sense to do. So Kevin’s driving and I’ve got my ass in the air, trying to shove all the stuff in the back seat over so I can wedge in there. Once I got back there, my feet were still hanging between the front car seats, draped over the console. Not the most comfortable position, to be sure. The things we do for our kids….