It was “Take Your Son to Work” day today. Ty came with me for the first time. Even though he’s on the young end (they say it is geared for kids 9 and up), he really enjoyed himself. One of the highlights of the day for him was riding the service elevator at work. It is one of those big, massive, industrial type elevator, with doors that open vertically instead of horizontally. Also, the inside only has a mesh gate, so you can actually see the walls slide by as it goes up.
One of the demos involved a guy showing a simulation of human behavior (typing an email, chatting, playing an xbox). As part of the demo, he had an xbox set up and running the game “Halo” on it. Tyler got a chance to play it, and when we left, he asked me “mommy, can we get an xbox so I can play that game!?” I told him that we would probably get an xbox some day, but they are coming out with a new one soon, so I would probably wait for that one. He contemplated that for a moment, then said “a ybox?”. I love it! He is so freakin’ clever!! 🙂
A little later we were in my office and he downloaded some RPG app onto my phone. It required a lot of reading. He got frustrated and said, “I can’t read! I wish I could read!” I told him that he’s starting to read, he just has to be patient and keep practicing. I reminded him that he has read several words already (stop, exit, mad, top secret). He told me “yeah, some words… but I need all the words!!”. That’s my boy!