Kevin = Cherry Blossom

In Tyler’s class at school, they made gifts for their mom’s and dad’s for mother’s day and father’s day.  For me, he made a “slap” bracelet with my name on it, and for Kevin he decorated a coffee mug.  In addition, for each of us the teachers had printed out a sheet with fill in the blanks statements like “my mom is special because…”, “I like it when my dad…”, etc.  The teachers wrote down the kid’s responses to each question, then they taped it to a piece of construction paper, rolled it up and tied it with a ribbon.

When Kevin opened his yesterday, one of the questions on the paper was “My dad reminds me of…”, to which Tyler had answered “a flower”!  Kevin thought this was really cute, but it got even funnier when Kevin asked Tyler what kind of flower he reminded him of.  Without hesitation, Tyler replied “a cherry blossom flower!”.  I almost fell over from laughing so hard.  Kevin told Tyler he loved his gifts, and as Tyler ran off to play, he said to me, “and I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that he thinks of me as a cherry blossom!’.   🙂

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