Ty had his first day of swim lessons today. I signed him up with “Pool School Plus” and they held the class at the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence. I have to say, I am completely impressed with it so far! The teacher was great, and didn’t try to force him to try anything he wasn’t ready for. He was getting ready to spazz out when I slid in to the water, and the teacher told the parents to get the kids into the water and hold them. I promised him I wouldn’t drop him, and that he didn’t have to get his head wet if he didn’t want to. The teacher started the class by having us all sing “the wheels on the bus” while doing the hand motions in the water. That was brilliant, and it didn’t take long before Ty was smiling and doing the hand motions (with one hand, and the other one in a death grip around my neck).
She had us sing a few songs, each time moving a little more. Then she introduced toys, like rubber ducks and round rings that we played various games with. Each time we did a little more, and it really eased the kids into being in the water and moving around in the water with their parents holding them. Eventually Ty was comfortable enough that I held him while he floated on his back! She also started having us ease them into putting their faces in the water, starting with the chin, then the mouth (and blowing bubbles with their mouths), then touching their noses to the water. That’s as far as we went with putting the face in the water this week, but Ty actually did it! He touched his nose to the water several times!
She also had them practice getting in and out of the water, by sitting on the edge and turning around while sliding in, with the parent “catching” them as they slide in. He was a little hesitant at first, but finally did it! By the time the class was over, we got out and he was smiling and said he had fun! That is exactly want I wanted from the class — for him to have fun, because that’s the way he is going to learn to be comfortable in the water. I am very happy with their approach, and I look forward taking Ty to more classes.