Dany caught me on the way out as I was picking Tyler up yesterday. She wanted to speak to me about Tyler moving up to Pre-k sometime in the next month or so. she said she knows that Sue is really looking forward to having Ty in her class, and Jess is going to be really sad to have him leave her class. she said sometimes teachers get in a “tug of war” over certain kids, with one teacher not wanting to let them go, and the other teacher chomping at the bit to get them, and that is the case with Ty! 🙂
she said they haven’t moved him yet because he only just started at the center not too long ago. since he has settled in so nicely there, they will start watching him over the next few weeks and have him visit Miss Sue’s room to prepare him to move up. several kids (ones that had been there for a while) that were in his class originally have moved up in the last month or two, so there are already kids in the Pre-k room that he knows well (Dominic, Crispin, Ananya).
I don’t expect it to be a problem, although I know Ty will miss Jess, she really is a great teacher!