I went out with the girls for dinner after work last night. Kevin picked Tyler up, and by the time I got home, they were both already asleep. About 12:30 in the morning, I heard Tyler whimper and grumble a little. Then a minute later I hear this little voice: “I want my mommy”. Of course, I went in right away. When I pulled the curtain back, i saw he was sitting at the foot of the bed, stuffed animal in hand. When he looked up and saw me, his whole face lit up, and he broke out into a huge grin! Then he scrambled back up to the head of the bed, laid down on his pillow, popped his fingers into his mouth, and closed his eyes. I whispered “sweet dreams, Tyler, I love you”. He opened his eyes for a second, and whispered “I love you too, mommy”, then he fell back to sleep. It was such a wonderful feeling.