I’m Done Crying Now

Well we definintely get a taste of the terrible two’s now and then.  Tyler is generally a good kid, and fairly laid-back, but he will on occasion have a fit if something doesn’t go his way.  We have been trying to take a casual approach, staying nearby while he spazzes, but not engaging with him until he settles down.  Kathy takes a similar approach, using “time-out” as a cooling off period for the kids, not as a punishment.  She will have the kids go to the couch or step so they can get control of themselves.  She has told me that on several occasions Tyler has gotten upset and gone and put himself in time-out until he calmed down!

The other morning we were getting ready for work and Tyler decided he wanted Cheetos for breakfast.  I told him no, and a fit ensued.  After a few minutes, I calmly asked him if he would like a drink, and he said (through the tears) “no, I’m not done crying yet!”.  I said ok, and left it at that.  After a few minutes, he had calmed down, then came over to me and announced “I’m done crying now”.  I gave him a big hug and tried hard not to crack up laughing because it was so darn cute and funny!

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