Editor PHP 2.0.5


Formatter methods for the DataTables Editor

All methods in this class are static with common inputs and returns.

Table of Contents

Date format: 1331251200. jQuery UI equivalent format: @
DATE_ISO_1036  = "D, j M y"
Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 12. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M y
DATE_ISO_1123  = "D, j M Y"
Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 2012. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M yy
DATE_ISO_2822  = "D, j M Y"
Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 2012. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M yy
DATE_ISO_822  = "D, j M y"
Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 12. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M y
DATE_ISO_850  = "l, d-M-y"
Date format: Friday, 09-Mar-12. jQuery UI equivalent format: DD, dd-M-y
DATE_ISO_8601  = "Y-m-d"
Date format: 2012-03-09. jQuery UI equivalent format: yy-mm-dd
Date format: 1331251200. jQuery UI equivalent format: @
DATE_USA  = "m-d-Y"
Date format: March-. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M yy
dateFormatToSql()  : mixed
Convert from a format given by the options parameter to a format that SQL servers will recognise as a date.
dateSqlToFormat()  : mixed
Convert from SQL date / date time format to a format given by the options parameter.
datetime()  : mixed
Convert from one date time format to another
explode()  : mixed
Convert a string of values into an array for use with checkboxes.
fromDecimalChar()  : mixed
Convert a number from using any character other than a period (dot) to one which does use a period. This is useful for allowing numeric user input in regions where a comma is used as the decimal character. Use with a set formatter.
ifEmpty()  : mixed
Formatter that can be used to specify what value should be used if an empty value is submitted by the client-side (e.g. null, 0, 'Not set', etc)
implode()  : mixed
Convert an array of values from a checkbox into a string which can be used to store in a text field in a database.
nullEmpty()  : mixed
Convert an empty string to `null`. Null values are very useful in databases, but HTTP variables have no way of representing `null` as a value, often leading to an empty string and null overlapping. This method will check the value to operate on and return null if it is empty.
toDecimalChar()  : mixed
Convert a number with a period (dot) as the decimal character to use a different character (typically a comma). Use with a get formatter.



Date format: 1331251200. jQuery UI equivalent format: @

public mixed DATE_EPOCH = "U"


Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 12. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M y

public mixed DATE_ISO_1036 = "D, j M y"


Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 2012. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M yy

public mixed DATE_ISO_1123 = "D, j M Y"


Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 2012. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M yy

public mixed DATE_ISO_2822 = "D, j M Y"


Date format: Fri, 9 Mar 12. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M y

public mixed DATE_ISO_822 = "D, j M y"


Date format: Friday, 09-Mar-12. jQuery UI equivalent format: DD, dd-M-y

public mixed DATE_ISO_850 = "l, d-M-y"


Date format: 2012-03-09. jQuery UI equivalent format: yy-mm-dd

public mixed DATE_ISO_8601 = "Y-m-d"


Date format: 1331251200. jQuery UI equivalent format: @

public mixed DATE_TIMESTAMP = "U"


Date format: March-. jQuery UI equivalent format: D, d M yy

public mixed DATE_USA = "m-d-Y"



Convert from a format given by the options parameter to a format that SQL servers will recognise as a date.

public static dateFormatToSql(mixed $format) : mixed

Typical use of this method is to use it with the Field::getFormatter() and Field::setFormatter() methods of Field where the parameters required for this method will be automatically satisfied.

$format : mixed
Return values


Convert from SQL date / date time format to a format given by the options parameter.

public static dateSqlToFormat(mixed $format) : mixed

Typical use of this method is to use it with the Field::getFormatter() and Field::setFormatter() methods of Field where the parameters required for this method will be automatically satisfied.

$format : mixed
Return values


Convert from one date time format to another

public static datetime(mixed $from, mixed $to) : mixed

Typical use of this method is to use it with the Field::getFormatter() and Field::setFormatter() methods of Field where the parameters required for this method will be automatically satisfied.

$from : mixed
$to : mixed
Return values


Convert a string of values into an array for use with checkboxes.

public static explode([mixed $char = '|' ]) : mixed

@param string $val Value to convert to from a string to an array

$char : mixed = '|'
Return values


Convert a number from using any character other than a period (dot) to one which does use a period. This is useful for allowing numeric user input in regions where a comma is used as the decimal character. Use with a set formatter.

public static fromDecimalChar([mixed $char = ',' ]) : mixed

@param string $val Value to convert to from a string to an array

$char : mixed = ','
Return values


Formatter that can be used to specify what value should be used if an empty value is submitted by the client-side (e.g. null, 0, 'Not set', etc)

public static ifEmpty(mixed $ret) : mixed

@param string $val Value to convert to from a string to an array

$ret : mixed
Return values


Convert an array of values from a checkbox into a string which can be used to store in a text field in a database.

public static implode([mixed $char = '|' ]) : mixed

@param string $val Value to convert to from an array to a string

$char : mixed = '|'
Return values


Convert an empty string to `null`. Null values are very useful in databases, but HTTP variables have no way of representing `null` as a value, often leading to an empty string and null overlapping. This method will check the value to operate on and return null if it is empty.

public static nullEmpty() : mixed

@param string $val Value to convert to from a string to an array

Return values


Convert a number with a period (dot) as the decimal character to use a different character (typically a comma). Use with a get formatter.

public static toDecimalChar([mixed $char = ',' ]) : mixed

@param string $val Value to convert to from a string to an array

$char : mixed = ','
Return values

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