Editor PHP 2.0.5

Options extends Ext

The Options class provides a convenient method of specifying where Editor should get the list of options for a `select`, `radio` or `checkbox` field.

This is normally from a table that is left joined to the main table being edited, and a list of the values available from the joined table is shown to the end user to let them select from.

Options instances are used with the Field->options() method.


a list of options from the sites table

Field::inst( 'users.site' )
    ->options( Options::inst()
        ->table( 'sites' )
        ->value( 'id' )
        ->label( 'name' )

@example Get a list of options with custom ordering

Field::inst( 'users.site' )
    ->options( Options::inst()
        ->table( 'sites' )
        ->value( 'id' )
        ->label( 'name' )
        ->order( 'name DESC' )

@example Get a list of options showing the id and name in the label

Field::inst( 'users.site' )
    ->options( Options::inst()
        ->table( 'sites' )
        ->value( 'id' )
        ->label( [ 'name', 'id' ] )
        ->render( function ( $row ) {
          return $row['name'].' ('.$row['id'].')';
        } )

Table of Contents

add()  : Options
Add extra options to the list, in addition to any obtained from the database
inst()  : Editor|Field|Join|Upload
Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class (shorthand of 'instantiate').
instantiate()  : Editor|Field|Join|Upload
Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class.
label()  : Options|array<string|int, string>
Get / set the column(s) to use as the label value of the options
limit()  : Options|array<string|int, string>
Get / set the LIMIT clause to limit the number of records returned.
order()  : Options|string
Get / set the ORDER BY clause to use in the SQL. If this option is not provided the ordering will be based on the rendered output, either numerically or alphabetically based on the data returned by the renderer.
render()  : Options|callable
Get / set the label renderer. The renderer can be used to combine multiple database columns into a single string that is shown as the label to the end user in the list of options.
table()  : Options|string
Get / set the database table from which to gather the options for the list.
value()  : Options|string
Get / set the column name to use for the value in the options list. This would normally be the primary key for the table.
where()  : Options|callable
Get / set the method to use for a WHERE condition if it is to be applied to the query to get the options.
_getSet()  : mixed
Common getter / setter function for DataTables classes.
_propExists()  : bool
Determine if a property is available in a data set (allowing `null` to be a valid value)
_readProp()  : mixed
Read a value from a data structure, using Javascript dotted object notation. This is the inverse of the `_writeProp` method and provides the same support, matching DataTables' ability to read nested JSON data objects.
_writeProp()  : mixed
Write the field's value to an array structure, using Javascript dotted object notation to indicate JSON data structure. For example `name.first` gives the data structure: `name: { first: ... }`. This matches DataTables own ability to do this on the client-side, although this doesn't implement implement quite such a complex structure (no array / function support).



Add extra options to the list, in addition to any obtained from the database

public add(string $label[, string|null $value = null ]) : Options
$label : string

The label to use for the option

$value : string|null = null

Value for the option. If not given, the label will be used

Return values

Self for chaining


Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class (shorthand of 'instantiate').

public static inst() : Editor|Field|Join|Upload

This method performs exactly the same actions as the 'instantiate' static method, but is simply shorter and easier to type!

Return values

class @static


Static method to instantiate a new instance of a class.

public static instantiate() : Editor|Field|Join|Upload

A factory method that will create a new instance of the class that has extended 'Ext'. This allows classes to be instantiated and then chained - which otherwise isn't available until PHP 5.4. If using PHP 5.4 or later, simply create a 'new' instance of the target class and chain methods as normal.

Return values

Instantiated class @static


Get / set the column(s) to use as the label value of the options

public label([null|string|array<string|int, string> $_ = null ]) : Options|array<string|int, string>
$_ : null|string|array<string|int, string> = null

null to get the current value, string or array to get.

Return values
Options|array<string|int, string>

Self if setting for chaining, array of values if getting.


Get / set the LIMIT clause to limit the number of records returned.

public limit([null|number $_ = null ]) : Options|array<string|int, string>
$_ : null|number = null

Number of rows to limit the result to

Return values
Options|array<string|int, string>

Self if setting for chaining, limit if getting.


Get / set the ORDER BY clause to use in the SQL. If this option is not provided the ordering will be based on the rendered output, either numerically or alphabetically based on the data returned by the renderer.

public order([null|string $_ = null ]) : Options|string
$_ : null|string = null

String to set, null to get current value

Return values

Self if setting for chaining, string if getting.


Get / set the label renderer. The renderer can be used to combine multiple database columns into a single string that is shown as the label to the end user in the list of options.

public render([null|callable $_ = null ]) : Options|callable
$_ : null|callable = null

Function to set, null to get current value

Return values

Self if setting for chaining, callable if getting.


Get / set the database table from which to gather the options for the list.

public table([null|string $_ = null ]) : Options|string
$_ : null|string = null

String to set, null to get current value

Return values

Self if setting for chaining, string if getting.


Get / set the column name to use for the value in the options list. This would normally be the primary key for the table.

public value([null|string $_ = null ]) : Options|string
$_ : null|string = null

String to set, null to get current value

Return values

Self if setting for chaining, string if getting.


Get / set the method to use for a WHERE condition if it is to be applied to the query to get the options.

public where([null|callable $_ = null ]) : Options|callable
$_ : null|callable = null

Function to set, null to get current value

Return values

Self if setting for chaining, callable if getting.


Common getter / setter function for DataTables classes.

protected _getSet(mixed &$prop, mixed $val[, mixed $array = false ]) : mixed

This getter / setter method makes building getter / setting methods easier, by abstracting everything to a single function call.

$prop : mixed

The property to set @param mixed $val The value to set - if given as null, then we assume that the function is being used as a getter. @param boolean $array Treat the target property as an array or not (default false). If used as an array, then values passed in are added to the $prop array. @return self|mixed Class instance if setting (allowing chaining), or the value requested if getting.

$val : mixed
$array : mixed = false
Return values


Determine if a property is available in a data set (allowing `null` to be a valid value)

protected _propExists(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : bool
$name : string

Javascript dotted object name to write to

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data source array to read from

Return values

true if present, false otherwise


Read a value from a data structure, using Javascript dotted object notation. This is the inverse of the `_writeProp` method and provides the same support, matching DataTables' ability to read nested JSON data objects.

protected _readProp(string $name, array<string|int, mixed> $data) : mixed
$name : string

Javascript dotted object name to write to

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Data source array to read from

Return values

The read value, or null if no value found.


Write the field's value to an array structure, using Javascript dotted object notation to indicate JSON data structure. For example `name.first` gives the data structure: `name: { first: ... }`. This matches DataTables own ability to do this on the client-side, although this doesn't implement implement quite such a complex structure (no array / function support).

protected _writeProp(array<string|int, mixed> &$out, string $name, mixed $value) : mixed
$out : array<string|int, mixed>

Array to write the data to

$name : string

Javascript dotted object name to write to

$value : mixed

Value to write


Information about duplicate properties

Return values

Search results